We have all been in a situation where we are offered an extra helping, a dessert, a drink another piece of cheesecake whatever the case may be. It was offered, this does not mean that you have to take it. Playing the innocent victim is life is always the easier route. McDonald's made you gain 50 pounds, each day when you walk by Ronald himself jumps out of the bushes, gun in hand and escorts you into the restaurant where he not only forces you to get a Big Mac but super size as well! Let's not even talk about what happens when you try to order the grilled chicken sandwich instead!
Let's face it, we are each in control of our own lives, destinies and choices. If you are offered and extra serving of dinner or dessert it is your decision and yours alone if you choose to accept. The person offering it is probably just being polite or possibly secretly trying to sabotage you to make them feel better about themselves. The next time you make a bad decision, not just in your diet but life in general take a moment to think about why you made that decision, the consequences, accept responsibility and move on.
Never for one second place the blame on some one else, especially restaurant, fast food establishments and friends when you know you need to be prepared to make good choices. Never leave the house without your next meal or snack in your pocket even if you think you won't need it. Don''t be the victim, take charge and make change for yourself. It was you that made the choices to gain this extra weight you are trying to lose and it is you that can make the choices to make it go away.
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